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High-Impact Aerobics – All you need to know

Benefits of Doing Cardio

When it comes to physical fitness, there are many types of exercise.

High-impact aerobics is a popular option for people who want to build strength, improve cardiovascular fitness, and burn calories.

However, there are pros and cons to this type of exercise, and it may not be the best choice for everyone.


low impact hiit workout

Finding the right balance between high-impact and low-impact exercises is key to achieving fitness goals while maintaining a sustainable workout routine.

High-Impact Exercises to Try

Here are some examples of high-impact exercises that can help increase bone density, burn calories, and improve cardiovascular fitness:

  1. Jumping jacks

  2. Side jumping lunges

  3. Knee highs

  4. Plyometric box jumps

  5. Running or jogging

  6. High-knee runs

  7. Burpees

  8. Jumping rope

  9. High-impact aerobics classes

  10. Sports such as basketball, tennis, and soccer

It’s important to gradually increase the intensity of high-impact exercises and consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.

Cross-training with low-impact exercises can also help prevent overuse injuries and improve overall fitness.

What is the difference between high-impact, low-impact, and no-impact exercise?


The high-impact exercise involves movements that require at least one foot to leave the ground, creating a sudden impact when landing.

Examples include jumping jacks, running, and plyometric box jumps.

These exercises are generally higher intensity and can burn more calories, but they also put more stress on the joints and increase the risk of injury.

low impact movements

Low-impact exercise involves movements that keep at least one foot on the ground, reducing the amount of stress placed on the joints.

Examples include walking, cycling, and swimming. Low-impact exercises are generally safer and easier on the body but may not burn as many calories or build as much muscle as high-impact exercises.

On the other hand, no-impact exercise involves movements that do not stress the joints at all. Examples include yoga, Pilates, and swimming.

low impact moves

These exercises are ideal for individuals with joint issues or those recovering from an injury, as they provide a low-risk way to improve fitness and flexibility.

However, they may not provide as many cardiovascular or bone-building benefits as high or low-impact exercises.





low impact hiit workout

Finding the right balance between high-impact and low-impact exercises is key to achieving fitness goals while maintaining a sustainable workout routine.

High-Impact Exercises to Try

Here are some examples of high-impact exercises that can help increase bone density, burn calories, and improve cardiovascular fitness:

  1. Jumping jacks

  2. Side jumping lunges

  3. Knee highs

  4. Plyometric box jumps

  5. Running or jogging

  6. High-knee runs

  7. Burpees

  8. Jumping rope

  9. High-impact aerobics classes

  10. Sports such as basketball, tennis, and soccer

It’s important to gradually increase the intensity of high-impact exercises and consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.

Cross-training with low-impact exercises can also help prevent overuse injuries and improve overall fitness.

What is the difference between high-impact, low-impact, and no-impact exercise?


The high-impact exercise involves movements that require at least one foot to leave the ground, creating a sudden impact when landing.

Examples include jumping jacks, running, and plyometric box jumps.

These exercises are generally higher intensity and can burn more calories, but they also put more stress on the joints and increase the risk of injury.

low impact movements

Low-impact exercise involves movements that keep at least one foot on the ground, reducing the amount of stress placed on the joints.

Examples include walking, cycling, and swimming. Low-impact exercises are generally safer and easier on the body but may not burn as many calories or build as much muscle as high-impact exercises.

On the other hand, no-impact exercise involves movements that do not stress the joints at all. Examples include yoga, Pilates, and swimming.

low impact moves

These exercises are ideal for individuals with joint issues or those recovering from an injury, as they provide a low-risk way to improve fitness and flexibility.

However, they may not provide as many cardiovascular or bone-building benefits as high or low-impact exercises.







high intensity exercise

In this article, we will explore what high-impact exercise is, what low-impact exercise is, and the difference between high-impact, low-impact, and no-impact exercise.

Pros and Cons of High impact Exercises

Pros of High-Impact Exercises:

  • Burning calories: High-impact exercises are known to burn more calories than low-impact exercises, making them an effective way to lose weight and improve overall fitness.

  • Improving cardiovascular fitness: High-impact exercises can improve cardiovascular fitness by increasing the heart rate and blood flow.

  • Building power: High-impact exercises can help build capacity and strength in the muscles and bones.

  • Gradually increasing fitness level: Increasing the intensity and duration of high-impact exercises can help individuals build endurance and improve overall fitness.


only high quality sources for these exercises 

Cons of High-Impact Exercises:

  • Risk of injury: High-impact exercises can be challenging on the joints, and there is an increased risk of injury, especially for individuals with joint issues or overuse injuries.

  • Too much stress: Regularly subjecting the body to high-impact exercises can lead to too much pressure on the body, causing pain or discomfort.

  • Difference between high and low impact: The abrupt stress created by high-impact exercises can be too much for some individuals to handle. They may need to start with low-impact exercises before progressing to high-impact.

  • Recovery time: High-impact exercises can cause muscle soreness, and it may take longer to recover from high-impact workouts than from low-impact activities.

Overall, high-impact exercises can be an effective way to improve fitness. Still, they should be performed cautiously and with the guidance of a personal trainer or physical therapist to prevent injury.

fluid motion for physical activity in high impact work out


What is high-impact training?


High-impact training refers to a type of workout that involves performing high-impact exercises in a structured and intense way.

This type of training can be used to improve overall fitness, build strength, and burn calories. High-impact exercise is often used by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals looking to challenge themselves physically.

During high-impact training, individuals perform exercises that involve abrupt movements, such as jumping jacks, knee highs, and side jumping lunges.


high impact movements

These exercises are performed at a high intensity and are often combined with other activities, such as strength training or cardiovascular exercises. High-impact training aims to push the body to its limits and improve overall fitness.

How do I know if high-impact exercise is safe for me?


High-impact exercise can be a great way to challenge yourself and improve your fitness level.

However, it’s essential to ensure that it’s safe for you to engage in this type of activity before you begin. Here are some things to keep in mind when considering high-impact exercise:

  • Talk to your doctor: It’s always a good idea to consult before beginning any new exercise program, especially if you have any medical conditions or concerns.

  • Consider your fitness level: High-impact exercise can be very demanding on the body, so it’s essential to ensure you have a solid fitness foundation before you begin. If you’re new to exercise, it’s generally recommended to start with low-impact activities and gradually build up to higher-impact exercises.

  • Check for joint issues: High-impact exercise can put a lot of stress on your joints, so it’s essential to check for any problems that this type of activity could aggravate. If you have a history of joint issues, you should speak with your doctor or a physical therapist for their input.

  • Start slow: Even if you’re in great shape, it’s essential to start with a lower intensity and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your high-impact workouts. This will help you avoid injury and ensure that your body can recover properly.


starting position for workout

By considering these factors and taking a gradual approach to high-impact exercise, you can safely and effectively incorporate this type of workout into your fitness routine.

What is low-impact training?


Low-impact training is a form of exercise that involves minimal jumping or bouncing movements and has less stress on your joints than high-impact exercises.

Low-impact exercises are perfect for those with joint issues or injuries or who want to avoid the intense stress on their joints that high-impact activities can cause.

Low-impact exercises include walking, cycling, swimming, and yoga.

These exercises are beneficial for improving cardiovascular fitness, building strength, and burning calories without putting excessive strain on your joints.


low impact workouts

One of the main benefits of low-impact exercise is that it is generally considered safer than high-impact exercise. This makes it an excellent choice for people just starting a new exercise routine, recovering from an injury, or dealing with joint issues.

Additionally, low-impact exercise can still provide a challenging workout tailored to your fitness level, making it an excellent choice for people of all ages and abilities.

Overall, low-impact exercise is an excellent option for those looking for a safe and effective way to improve their fitness without putting undue stress on their joints.

  Low Impact: Slower Results, Easier on the Body


Low-impact exercises are safer and easier on the body than high-impact exercises. Although they may not burn as many calories or build as much muscle, they can still provide significant benefits, such as improving cardiovascular fitness and increasing strength.

Incorporating low-impact exercises like walking, cycling, and swimming into a workout routine can prevent overuse injuries and improve overall joint health.

low impact hiit workout

Finding the right balance between high-impact and low-impact exercises is key to achieving fitness goals while maintaining a sustainable workout routine.

High-Impact Exercises to Try

Here are some examples of high-impact exercises that can help increase bone density, burn calories, and improve cardiovascular fitness:

  1. Jumping jacks

  2. Side jumping lunges

  3. Knee highs

  4. Plyometric box jumps

  5. Running or jogging

  6. High-knee runs

  7. Burpees

  8. Jumping rope

  9. High-impact aerobics classes

  10. Sports such as basketball, tennis, and soccer

It’s important to gradually increase the intensity of high-impact exercises and consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.

Cross-training with low-impact exercises can also help prevent overuse injuries and improve overall fitness.

What is the difference between high-impact, low-impact, and no-impact exercise?


The high-impact exercise involves movements that require at least one foot to leave the ground, creating a sudden impact when landing.

Examples include jumping jacks, running, and plyometric box jumps.

These exercises are generally higher intensity and can burn more calories, but they also put more stress on the joints and increase the risk of injury.

low impact movements

Low-impact exercise involves movements that keep at least one foot on the ground, reducing the amount of stress placed on the joints.

Examples include walking, cycling, and swimming. Low-impact exercises are generally safer and easier on the body but may not burn as many calories or build as much muscle as high-impact exercises.

On the other hand, no-impact exercise involves movements that do not stress the joints at all. Examples include yoga, Pilates, and swimming.

low impact moves

These exercises are ideal for individuals with joint issues or those recovering from an injury, as they provide a low-risk way to improve fitness and flexibility.

However, they may not provide as many cardiovascular or bone-building benefits as high or low-impact exercises.






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Japanese Food, A Guide of The Food You Can’t Miss

types of cuisine food in japan

Raise your hand if you like JAPAN!!!!! Yeah, me too, who doesn’t right?

If you’re like me and you’re wondering which are the most famous, common or easy to find types of Japanese food then this is a post for you.

Let’s get right into it, this is a Japanese Food Guide




japanese food Sushi

This could be the most famous Japanese dish in the whole world right? Well at least one of them. They come in different colors and different flavors, and one thing is for sure, you’ll be left asking for more.

The dish is said to have originated in South East Asia. It was until the Edo period in Japan (1603-1868) that the dish was made popular all over Japan. Sushi rice is vinegared rice, with a little bit of salt and sugar.

Sushi ingredients and shapes vary widely, but the most common ingredients are seafood, vegetables and some times tropical fruits.


How healthy is Sushi?

It depends. If you go for the more traditional type then the main ingredients will be raw fish and rice, both are naturally low in fat and high in protein and carbohydrates. The latter is only in the rice.

When vegetables are added to Sushi, vitamins, and minerals are being added. Some seafood is high in omega 3 fatty acids which may have a good effect on cardiovascular health, so yeah Sushi is healthy.

Unless you go for the not so traditional Sushi, you know the ones that are made with fried shrimp and a lot of mayonnaise, that’s not healthy.


The best Sushi restaurants in Japan

I think it would be a Titanic task to go to every single Sushi restaurant in Japan and make the final decision on which are the absolute best. I certainly did not do that.

But here’s a list of the best Sushi restaurants in Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka, based on public reviews.





Japanese food sashimi

The cousin of Sushi, it’s similar to Sushi but not quite the same, mainly because there’s no rice. It’s possible to be served Sashimi and rice, but on separate plates.

The most common way to eat Sashimi is by dipping it in soy sauce and putting it in your mouth, it’s that simple. Sashimi is not just seafood, there is also beef Sashimi and even beef liver Sashimi.

Just like in Sushi there are different varieties. What is there in Sashimi? It’s just fresh raw fish or meat, there’s a lot of variety in the way it’s cut. It can be very thin slices, thick or in cube shapes.

Some Sashimi, like octopus Sashimi, is cooked due to its chewy nature.


Is Sashimi Healthy?

Considering that Sashimi is pretty much raw, sometimes it might be slightly boiled to avoid risks of infections, it’s safe to say is healthy as there’s no oil or breading added to it.

Tuna and Salmon Sashimi are particularly high in omega 3 and proteins and have low-calorie content.




types of cuisine food in japan

This staple dish from Japanese cuisine actually has its roots in northern China. The most accepted theory is that Ramen was introduced to Japan by Chinese immigrants in the late 19th century in Yokohama, China Town.

After the end of world war 2, Japan had one of the worst rice crops ever recorded, and the USA, they were occupying Japan at the moment, introduced a lot of cheap wheat flour to the market to help cope with the lack of food.

It was like this that Ramen became a very popular dish in Japan, and bread too.

The dish is made out of noodles, soup, which is usually made of stock based on chicken or pork, and is also mixed with other ingredients such as onions, baby sardines, tuna flakes, among other things.

There’s also vegetable-based broth for vegetarians


Is Ramen Healthy?

Well, I would say this is a bit more difficult to settle since ramen bowls can be so different from each other in terms of ingredients.

There are a couple of publications out there that have tried to answer this question and they conclude that even though is not easy to make a final conclusion, Ramen tends to be high in sodium, low in protein and high in carbs.

The above doesn’t sound super healthy to me, to anyone who’s trying to build muscles and lose weight you should stay away from carbs and eat protein. Although I don’t think eating Ramen from time to time is bad.




okonomiyaki japanese pancake

Okay, now we’re moving into the not so popular Japanese food, although this one is still fairly renown, Okonomiyaki, or how I call it, the Japanese pancake.

This is yet another type of Japanese food where ingredients can vary greatly from region to region in Japan.

The basic batter for the pancake is made out of flour, grated yam, water, eggs, and shredded cabbage, those are the basic ingredients, after that, it all depends on which style you get to choose from, it could include fish or even noodles.

In Osaka, where the dish is supposed to have originated, the dish is cooked like a pancake. It’s pan-fried and two spatulas are used to flip it and then cut it into pieces before serving.


Is Okonomiyaki healthy?

Let’s see, Okonomiyaki has eggs, vegetables, meat or seafood, and other toppings, and is pan-fried, so yes, it is healthy, whatever variation you choose will most likely be high in protein and other vitamins and minerals.

There are regions in Japan where they add a large amount of cabbage which is abundant in dietary fiber, great for digestion.




Takoyaki popular japanse snacks

This is more of Japanese snack, very popular street food as well. This ball shape appetizer is made of wheat flour-based batter and cooked in a special molded pan.

The filling of Takoyaki is usually minced or diced octopus, pickled ginger and green onions. The balls are brushed on top with Takoyaki sauce

Takoyaki is said to have originated in Osaka, by a street vendor named Tomekichi in 1935. Something that’s very particular about this dish is that it requires a specially shaped pan to cook it.


Is Takoyaki Healthy?

Let’s see, Takoyaki is made out of batter that contains eggs and wheat and in the inside has octopus and a few vegetables, oh and it requires some oiled to be cooked.

The only ingredients you might argue are not healthy is the wheat and the oil, but come on Takoyaki is not a big dish, some small bite-size waffle-like snacks won’t ruin your diet.




ebifurai or friend shrimp japanese food

Okay let’s make this clear right away, Ebifurai is deep-fried so is not healthy but man they’re good.

This dish is popular in Japan and in many Japanese restaurants around the world, the most common shrimp used for it is the black tiger shrimp and is said to have originated around the year 1900.

Cooking this is easy, some restaurants will straighten the shrimp out and pull the digestive track out, then they coat the shrimp with flour, beaten egg and bread crumbs, then they deep fry the shrimp.

You can find many variations or similar dishes in other Asian countries such as Korea and the Philippines.




oden japanese food guide

This might be one you haven’t heard of if you haven’t been to Asia, is not just popular in Japan, is also popular in Taiwan and China.

Oden consists of different food that’s been boiled in a mildly flavored broth. It’s considered to be a winter food for some, but you can find this food year-round in Japan.

It’s common to find Oden in night markets offered by street sellers. There are also restaurants and pubs selling it, you can even find it in convenience stores.

The way you usually go about ordering or buying this dish is by selecting only the food you’d like and put it in a small bowl or paper cup and add some of the broth, then you’ll be charged based on what you got.

Common ingredients are eggs, radish, konjec, processed seafood cakes, tofu, and corn.


Is Oden healthy?

It really is, first of all, everything is boiled in a broth that is almost water, and the ingredients are eggs, seafood, and vegetables, this is what you call a low in fat and high in nutrients dish.

In Taiwan Oden is also popular and you’ll find it in most convenience stores such as Family Marts and 7-11




yakisoba japanese street food

I do enjoy eating this one very much. It’s both tasty and cheap, Nomadic Matt recommends it as a budget dish in his Japanese travel guide.

Yakisoba is basically a mixture of ramen style noodles combined with tiny pieces of pork and some chopped vegetables such as cabbage. It’s also mixed with something similar to oyster sauce, that’s how it gets its flavor and color.

This is a very common street food dish and you can also find it in some restaurants.

Interesting fact, Yakisoba can sometimes be served on top of a hot dog.


Is Yakisoba healthy?

A portion of Yakisoba for one person will be around 250 calories. It’ll be heavy on carbs and will contain a bit of protein thanks to the meat in it, some nutrients might be added if you mix it with vegetables.

As part of a balanced diet, eating Yakisoba once or twice per week shouldn’t represent any major health risk.




dango weird japanese food

Aha!!! I bet this is one you don’t hear about every day, or maybe yes I don’t know who you are.

This sweet Japanese food is said to have its origins in Kyoto. Four to five balls are served in a skewer just like in the picture above. Dango is made from mochiko, which is rice flour.

You can find Dango in Japan year-round, although some special flavors can only be found during some seasons. There are different varieties of Dango, they’re mainly differentiated by the main ingredient which provides the flavor.

Some popular ingredients are eggs, green tea, red beans, potatoes, and chestnuts.


Is Dango healthy?

You might be thinking, okay if this is dessert then it must not be good, well think again, desserts in Japan and other Asian nations are not the same as western desserts.

Even though they might be a bit high in calories, there are some options which are very low in fat and high in nutrients, Dango is one of those options, so don’t be afraid to eat it.




sukiyaki, japanese meal

This is also known as hot pot. It’s supposed to be a winter dish but you can find it in many restaurants all year round. Something peculiar about this dish is that you have to cook it yourself.

You will usually be asked what kind of flavored broth you’d like and they’ll put it in a pot in front of you, then they’ll light the fire, you wait for it to start boiling and then you throw the ingredients in.

You will also get to choose what you want to eat, you can choose seafood, different cuts of beef and different types of vegetables.

There is one thing that makes sukiyaki different from a traditional hot pot, like the one you can find in China and Taiwan, which is that, after the food is done cooking, you’ll have a bowl of raw egg next to you where you’re supposed to dip the food a little bit.


Is Sukiyaki healthy?

Well, it is, it’s a bunch of meat, seafood, and vegetables put in a pot and boiled, this is a dish low in calories and fat and high in protein and other nutrients.

Although, in some sukiyaki and hot pot restaurants is common to get free rice and ice cream, so be careful with that.


Healthy additions to your post-workout shake.




natto weird food from japan

This is one you either love or hate, or maybe is one that you will definitely hate and only if you eat it many times ( I don’t know why you’d do that) you’ll love.

This is made out of fermented soybeans and is -hear this- a breakfast dish, nothing is better than the taste of fermented soybeans at 7:00 a.m., right? In a 2009 survey, 70% of Japanese people said they enjoy eating it.

And some who said they dislike it said they eat it anyway for its nutritional value. Natto is sticky and slimy, is usually served with rice or green onions.


Is Natto healthy?

I think this might be the healthiest food in the list, Healthline called it super healthy and nutritious, if they did then it’s settled I guess. Natto is high in protein and other nutrients, the fermentation process actually decreases its antinutrients.




onigiri, rice triangle japanese

If you don’t like Onigiri then don’t talk to me ….. It’s one of my favorite Japanese food. Onigiri is also known as rice balls, although they have a triangular shape.

Onigiri is pretty much that, white rice formed into triangular shapes and often wrapped in seaweed, traditionally onigiris were filled with salted salmon, but nowadays you can find them coming with many different fillings.

My favorite one is Tuna. You can find Onigiris all over convenience stores, it’s a very popular food. For Onigiri, white rice is the norm, although it is possible to find, in some restaurants, onigiris made with other types of rice, including fried rice.


Is Onigiri healthy?

Okay, we all know how white rice is not the healthiest of all types of rice right?

But considering that onigiri (often) is just plain boiled white rice with some sort of seafood inside, it makes for a nice post work out snack high in protein and in carbs, this is great for anyone who is trying to build muscles.

There are exceptions though, there are onigiris that are filled with bbq meat and even mayonnaise, I would try to stay away from those.

Now onto the last one in this Japanese food guide.


13- Dorayaki


dorayak, japanese sweet bean pancakes

This is very similar to a pancake, with a sweet red beans paste on the inside, it doesn’t taste bad, but I must say I’m not a fan of its flavor.

According to information found in wikipedia, The original Dorayaki consisted of only one layer. Its current shape was invented in 1914 by Usagiya in the Ueno district of Tokyo.


Is Dorayaki Healthy?

Well, this is a very sweet pastry, there’s a lot of sugar in it, white sugar, since we all know how bad white sugar is for our bodies then the answer to the question would be no.

Although, if you’re in the mood for cooking, here’s a healthy Dorayaki recipe I found online

Hope you enjoyed this Japanese food guide.


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Avocado Porn. The Health Benefits of Avocado

Avocado porn, the health benefits of Avocado and simple recipes

What’s better than Avocado? That’s right absolutely nothing. If you don’t like Avocados then sorry, You and I can not be friends. Avocado is so tasty, plus, Avocado has so many health benefits.

This fruit can be eaten and used in so many different ways that’s almost impossible to get bored of it, or is that just me? I always want more.

I know that last week I ate Avocado every day for lunch and it was awesome!!! It left me begging for more.

Here I bring you a post full of sexy Avocado photos that will make you want to go to the nearest market to get some and put it all in your mouth.


The Health Benefits of Turmeric

I’ll also share with you some of the health benefits of Avocado and some simple Avocado recipes.


This is only for Avocado Lovers


Avocado Oil

Hey careful your Avocado is dripping



Did you know that you can make Avocado oil out of Avocados?

Avocado oil is a type of edible oil that you get from pressing the Avocado fruit. You can use it for cooking as an ingredient in other dishes or as perfect lubrication for a body massage.

Avocado oil has some really good rejuvenating and moisturizing properties.




The Health Benefits of Avocado. Avocado Oil

The use of avocado oil on your skin has many excellent benefits, and when given a massage, the oil penetrates more deeply into the skin at an accelerated rate and, due to the massage, your blood flow in the areas of massage will be much better, making the absorption and benefits of Avocado faster.

As you may know, avocado oil is moisturizing, but it is also a natural steroid, an anti-inflammatory, and really good for healing sun-damaged skin.

The anti-inflammatory effect is of great benefit to those suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.


Simple Recipe with Avocado Oil

Let’s keep it healthy, Spiced Aioli. You’ll need


  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • 2 Lemon Juice Teaspoons
  • Basil leaves
  • Some Salt and Pepper
  • Around 1/8 of avocado oil

The preparation process is very simple, simply put all of the ingredients in a blender – except for the avocado oil- and blend them.

Slowly add the avocado oil to the mix as you stir it until you get a creamy consistency. This alioli is the perfect healthy dipping sauce.

If you like it Spank it, I mean Pin it.




Potassium, Should I get an Avocado or a Banana?

Well, I say you should get both. Both foods are high in Potassium but Avocado is definitely the winner out of the 2. One avocado has around 485 mg of potassium, one banana only has 358 mg

And if you’re wondering why you need to make sure you put enough potassium in your body, well, is because, many studies have shown that having a high potassium intake is linked to reduced blood pressure, this is a major risk factor for heart attacks, kidney failure, and strokes.

Other health benefits of avocado and having a high intake of potassium are


  • It regulates fluid balance
  • Keeps the nervous system working properly
  • Regulates muscles and heart contractions
  • May help prevent strokes
  • It could help prevent osteoporosis
  • May help prevent kidney stones


Banana and Avocado Recipe


Are you thinking what I’m thinking? That’s right!!! All we need is some milk to make a rich and tasty Banana and Avocado milkshake.

Ingredients you’ll need for a banana and avocado milkshake


  • 2 Frozen Bananas
  • 1 Avocado
  • A cup of milk
  • 1 table spoon of Honey
  • A serving of vanilla protein powder (optional)

To get that creamy smoothie you’re looking for all you have to do is put all the ingredients in a blender and blend away, it’s that simple.

If you add the protein to it, then you’ll have an amazing post work out smoothie. 18 Healthy additions to your post work out shake



Put them on top and make it hot. Baked Eggs in Avocado.

Before we talk about another health benefit of Avocado let’s jump into another tasty Avocado recipe because…why not?

This is definitely a favorite of mine, is another perfect combination of 2 foods that are super nutritious and healthy, Eggs and Avocado.


Don’t tell me that picture above doesn’t make you want to get some …..Avocado right away and cook yourself some baked eggs in Avocado.

These are the ingredients you need


  • 4 Eggs
  • 2 Avocados
  • Salt and Pepper
  • As toppings, you can use cilantro or goat cheese

This recipe is simple, healthy, nutritious and fast, even though you have to bake them it won’t take you long.

How to prepare Baked Eggs in Avocado?


  • First heat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Cut the avocados in half, separate and remove the pit, also, use a spoon to remove some avocado and that way create a cavity to place the eggs
  • Put the halves on a baking dish and then crack the eggs open and put them on the avocado halves
  • Put them in the oven and bake them for 15 to 20 minutes
  • Once they’re out, sprinkle with salt and pepper and the topping of your choice.

If you like the recipe pin it for later




The Best Avocado Health Benefit, It Helps You Lose Weight

There’s evidence that avocados help you lose weight.

In one study, people who ate avocado as part of their meal felt 23% more satisfied and had a 28% lower desire to eat more in the next 5 hours, in comparison to people who did not eat this fantastic fruit.

If this holds in the long term, then including avocados in your diet may help you eat fewer calories throughout the day and make it easier to keep healthy eating habits.

Avocados are also high in fiber and very low in carbohydrates, these 2 should also help promote weight loss, assuming the rest of your diet is also on the healthy side.

I mean, don’t eat pizzas and bacon every day and expect to lose weight only because you’re adding some avocado to your clearly unhealthy meals.


The Benefits of Cardio and Motivation.


More health benefits of eating Avocado.


  • Avocado is loaded with healthy monounsaturated fatty acids which makes it a great anti-inflammatory
  • Avocados are loaded with fiber. Fiber contributes to reducing blood sugar spikes and prevents obesity development.
  • Eating Avocado can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

If you want to read more about the health benefits listed above please click here 12 Proven Health Benefits of Avocado


Avocado Porn

This is a gallery full of sexy avocados raw or prepared in different ways. If you like avocado you’ll certainly love this.


  • two-low-hanging-avocados
  • Guacamole-avocado-health-benefits
  • toast-with-avocado-and-chilli
  • toast-with-avocado-and-poached-eggs
  • A-beautiful-avocado-arrangement-avocado-recipes-and-health-benefits



Avocados are great, they are full of vitamins and other nutrients that will certainly help you stay healthy.

There are so many ways to eat avocado that getting bored of it is not easy, you can use it as oil, have it in smoothies or combined with eggs or even as sides with all sorts of meals.

Do you have any favorite way to eat your avocados? Please let me know in the comments.


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Taipei, The Healthiest City in Asia

View of Taipei from Elephant Mountain

Healthy food, fruit shops everywhere, ease of working out, the convenience of transportation, parks, and more.

All of this makes Taipei a city where people can easily start getting in shape, it makes it The Healthiest City in Asia.

So if you’re thinking about an Asian city to move to for work or study, and health is an important deciding factor, then Taipei should be on the top of your list.

Let me tell you why.

Scenery Parks – Go Run

Taipei Riverside Park Tamsui, Healthy City in Asia, The Healthiest City in Asia

In Taipei there are many parks where you can go for a walk or a run, some are bigger than others, and some are definitely more scenic, those would be the ones that are next to a river.

  • Tamsui Riverside Park
  • Guting Riverside Park
  • Dajia Riverside Park
  • Guanshan Riverside Park

These parks are located alongside the river, which makes for a very good running or biking track, you’ll get some nice views of the city and also some gentle breeze on your face.

Along these riverside parks you’ll usually find basketball and tennis courts where you’ll see groups of young Taiwanese having fun.


You’ll also find elderly men and women doing aerobic classes or practicing tai chi, especially in the early morning.

There are other parks which are big enough to go for a run and that have a more centric location in the city.

You can check

Daan Park, Taipei

Daan Forest Park, The Healthiest City in Asia

Da’an forest park is located in Da’an district and it occupies 26 hectares, perfect to go for a run.

Another park that has a very centric location is 228 peace memorial park, is near Taipei main station, but is way smaller than Da’an forest park.

It’s only 7 hectares in size, and is also a memorial site that was built to commemorate those who died in the events of February 28 of 1947, is also the oldest park in Taipei.

228 peace Park Taipei

If doing cardio outdoors is not your thing and you prefer a treadmill or elliptical machine then you’ll want to know that going to the gym in Taipei is convenient and cheap.

You burn around 700 calories running during 1 hour

  Working out

In Taipei city and New Taipei city there are around 12 Sports centers altogether.

The name in Chinese is 運動中心 ( Yùndòng zhōngxīn),

These are buildings that contain different areas for working out.

Taipei zhongshan sports center

In each one you”ll find at least, 1 gym, 1 pool, 1 badminton court and some other studio rooms used for zumba classes or yoga classes.

Inside Public Gym Zhongshan Sports Center, The Healthiest City in Asia

You don’t have to pay a membership, you pay as you go. I go to the gym 5 times a week, and the fare for 1 hour and 10 minutes is only 50NTD, only 1.64 USD.

Right outside the gym area you’ll find lockers where you can put your stuff, the fare to use a locker is 10NTD, you’ll also see shelves where you can just put your bag and go work out.

Easy to make avocado recipes.

I must say I’ve never had anything stolen, so feel safe to just put your bag on the shelf.

You’ll also find showers you can use after working out, they’re not the nicest ones in town, but they’re decent, good enough to take a shower after an early work out and before going to work in case you don’t have the time to go back home and shower.

Showers Zhongshan Public Gym

The fare to use the swimming pool is 110 NTD, and you can be there for as long as you want.

Taipei_Zhongshan_Pool, The Healthiest City in Asia

When you pay to use the pool area you’ll also have the right to use the steam rooms, and the hydrotherapy pools.

Here’s some info for you to know more about where each one of the sports centers is located.

List of Public Gyms in Taipei City

  • Taipei Da’an Sports Center (臺北市大安運動中心)
  • Website:
  • Address: No. 55號, Section 3, Xinhai Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106
  • Taipei Xinyi Sports Center (臺北市信義運動中心)
  • Website:
  • Address: No. 100號, Songqin Street, Xinyi District, Taipei City, 110
  • Taipei Songshan Sports Center (臺北市松山運動中心)
  • Website:
  • Address: No. 1號, DunHua N Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, 105
  • Taipei Zhongzheng Sports Center (臺北市中正山運動中心)
  • Website:
  • Address: No. 1號, Section 1, Xinyi Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, 100
  • Taipei Zhongshan Sports Center (臺北市中山運動中心)
  • Website:
  • Address: No. 2號, Lane 44, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, 104
  • Taipei Nangang Sports Center (臺北市南港運動中心)
  • Website:
  • Address: No. 69號, Yucheng Street, Nangang District, Taipei City, 11
  • Taipei Wanhua Sports Center (臺北市萬華運動中心)
  • Website:
  • Address: No. 6-1號, Xining Rd, Wanhua District, Taipei City, 108

More Sport centers in Taipei City

  • Taipei Datong Sports Center
  • Wen Shan Sports Center
  • Shilin Sports Center
  • Taipei City Beitou Sports Center

Sports Center in New Taipei City

  • Sanchong Civil Sports Center
  • Yonghe Sports Center
  • Zhonghe Sports Center
  • Tamsui Civil Sports Center
  • Xinzhuang Civil Sports Center

So as you can see, there are sports center all over the place in Taipei City and some more in New Taipei city area, so there is no excuse for you not to work out.

With so many cheap venues to work out I think you can agree with me that Taipei is one The Healthiest City in Asia

Important Gym Information

Just like in any gym, these places tend to be crowded after 6 pm from Monday to Friday, and from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Careful with thief sign in Zhongshan Sports center

Although the gym is pretty safe, they still remind you to take care of your stuff, especially in the shower rooms as there are no cameras in there.

The best time to go is early morning, right before going to work or to school, as the amount of people is few.

Don’t forget to take a hand towel with you as it is a requirement to enter the gym area, and a swimsuit in case you’re going to the pool.

If you forget your towel, you can buy a small one from the front desk at the gym area, they sell for around 20NTD.

In all of the Sports Centers there is usually a counter on the first floor where you pay to go to the gym or the pool, they’ll give you a card or a receipt which you’ll have to show when you enter the Gym or Pool area.

Sports center Taiwan

You’ll also find shops selling swimsuits and other items for swimming, some of them might be a bit pricey, so if you want to save some money better go to Carrefour and get your swim gear there.

There are also water dispensers and 7-11’s nearby, so you can take your own plastic bottle and get some free water or buy some at 7-11.

Water dispenser in Zhongshan Sporst center

Which takes me to reason number 3 on why Taipei is one of the healthiest cities in Asia.

Convenience Store Food

Let’s explore more on why I say that Taipei is The Healthiest City in Asia

Family Mart and Seven Eleven 7 11 in Taipei Taiwan

Usually, when you think of convenience store food you don’t think of it as a healthy option, at least where I come from, Nicaragua, convenience stores are full of fast food like hot dogs and a bunch of candies, cookies, snacks, sodas, and other sugary drinks.

If you wanna stay healthy you shouldn’t eat any of the things I just mentioned, but let’s face it prepping your meal for the whole week is a bit time consuming.

Sometimes you just have to go to a convenience store to get your breakfast or lunch.

Well, in Taipei you can have a full healthy meal right out of a 7-11 or Family Mart, let me show you, with pictures

I usually work out early in the morning, once I’m done working out at Zhongshan Sports Center, I take a shower, I dress up and go down to 7-11 to get 2 of these.

Healthy Food From Convenience Stores in Taipei

Onigiri, or at least a variation of Onigiri, they have different choices of filling, I only buy the one that has tuna inside, so is pretty much just that, tuna and white rice, with seaweed.

They only contain 198 calories. In Chinese the characters for calorific value are 熱量 (Rèliàng)

Healthy Food from Convenience Stores Taipei

And even though white rice is not the healthiest option since is very low in nutrients and some experts even call it empty calories, it is still a good addition to your breakfast after working out, especially if you were lifting heavy weights.

I also buy some milk, which I use to mix with my whey protein powder.

Whey Protein Milk Taipei Sports Center Gym

Eating Healthy from Convenience Stores

I also get boiled eggs, yes that’s right, they have boiled eggs in Taipei’s convenience stores, now in the picture below you might notice the color of the eggs is a little dark, just a little.

Tea-eggs-in-convenience-stores-Taipe, The Healthiest City in Asia

Well, that’s because they boil them in black tea water, why do they do it? I’m not sure, but the taste of the eggs doesn’t really change that much, they do get a particularly strong smell, which is not that bad.

18 Post Workout Shakes Ingredients.

When you see them for the first time you might think something like: THAT’S GROSS, but give them a try, they’re just like regular boiled eggs, with a particular color and smell.

And also for the road, I get a little snack, a sweet potato, not all of the 7-11’s and Family Marts have these snacks full of nutrients, but most of them do.

Sweet Potatoes in Convenience Stores Taipei, The Healthiest City in Asia

If you get hungry during the afternoon you can go to your closest convenience store and get some nuts, fruits, salad wraps or an oatmeal drink.

You can also get fruits, guavas and bananas are my favorite, although I must say that getting fruit from convenience stores is expensive, you better get it at one of the many fruit vendors around the city, I’ll tell you a bit more about this later.

Having a healthy lunch from a convenience store is also possible, you can get a nice lean chicken breast for only 99NTD, add some salad and your lunch is ready, high in protein and low in carbs.

The Health Benefits of Turmeric.

The Chinese characters for protein are 蛋白質 (Dànbáizhí)

Smoked chicken breast and rosemary chicken breast convenience store food Taipei Taiwan

Or you can have one of this kind of lunch boxes that include chicken, half an egg, purple rice, mushrooms and some vegetables.

Purple rice seven eleven taipei taiwan, The Healthiest City in Asia

Remember I said I would tell you more about fruits vendors in Taipei, well here it is

Fruits Vendors in Taipei

The thing I have to say is that they’re everywhere. This one is in Zhongshan district, on Linsen North Road, and it’s open until midnight.

Fruit store Zhongshan District Taipei Taiwan, The Healthiest City in Asia
The Healthiest City in Asia
Fruit in Zhongshan

They even have little boxes with already peeled and chopped fruit for your convenience.

4 Health Benefits and 4 Recipes with Pomegranate

And you can really find fruit vendors in any corner of the city, for example, this nice lady that sells fruits on the side of a convenience store.

Fruit vendor next to a convenience store, The Healthiest City in Asia

Or this random small fruits and vegetables set up outside a store near my office.

Vegetables and fruits Taipei Taiwan

So as you can see, getting fruits in Taipei will be very easy, which means you’ll have no excuses to not have a healthy snack if you’re feeling hungry after or before a meal.

Isn’t that another point to call Taipei The Healthiest City in Asia?


Taipei has a very convenient metro system that can get you to any of the important business and leisure areas of the city, or at least close enough, and if as that wasn’t enough, you have access to using UBIKES or OBIKES.

What is Ubike?

Ubike Taipei Taiwan

Is a bike sharing service offered by the Taipei City Department of transportation, all you need to start using one is an easy card, you can then register at any service center in any metro station or kiosks.

Easy card metro card in Taipei Taiwan
People registering card to use ubike in Taipei Taiwan KIOSK
Ubike Kiosk

You can also rent it using an IC card.

Almost all the metro stations in Taipei have an Ubike parking area, once you’re registered you can just place your easy card on the sensor of the Ubike docks and it will be released.

Ubike Taipei Taiwan Sensor

If for some reason the dock doesn’t release the bike, you can take a look at whatever number it shows on the screen and read what that error message is about.

Error messages in Ubike stations Taipei Taiwan

After successfully using a Ubike, find the closest Ubike parking area around your destination and return the bike, the first 30 minutes of using the bike are just 10NTD.

To read more about the costs of using an Ubike please go here

Ubike station near parking lot

An Ubike might not be a convenient option if there is nowhere to park it near your destination, even though there are many Ubike parking areas all over the city, there is not one on every block, so you might find yourself in an area with no Ubike parking area at all.

More convenient transportation in Taipei The Healthiest City in Asia

Station less Bikes in Taipei.


If that’s the case, then the solution might be an Obike

Obike in Taipei, The Healthiest City in Asia

If you’re not familiar with Obikes, then let me tell you a little bit about them.

The key benefit of Obikes is that you don’t need to return them to a dock, they’re stationless, all you gotta do is download the Obike App, add your credit/debit card, sign up for the service, pay a deposit and you’re ready to go.

Stationless Obike Ubike Taipei, The Healthiest City in Asia

You must have an active internet connection in your phone and turn on Bluetooth to unlock the bike, once you find an Obike -you can use the app to track one- you just scan the QR code on the Obike and if successful the lock on the rear wheel should unlock.

Rear Lock on Obike Taipei Taiwan

Once you’re done using it just manually lock the bike and make sure the end of the ride is recorded in the Obike App.

And is it safe to go around the city riding a bike? The answer is yes, don’t worry

People riding bikes in Taipei Taiwan, The Healthiest City in Asia

People in Taipei ride bikes everywhere.


So there you have it, in Taipei, you’ll be able to eat healthily and work out without any excuses, and we all know those are the two most important things you need to start living a healthy life.

Have you lived in any Asian city which you think is The Healthiest City in Asia? Let me know in the comments please

Hope you enjoyed this post.

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16 Post-Workout Protein Shake Ingredients

Healthy things to add to a post work out shake


1 Chia Seeds in your Protein Shake.


Add Chia Seeds to your post work out shake


They are a superfood; they deliver crazy amounts of nutrients with very few calories; one ounce contains

  • 4 Grams of Proteins
  • 18% of the daily reference intake of Calcium
  • 30% of the daily reference intake of Magnesium
  • 27% of the daily reference intake of Phosphorus
  • 30% of the daily reference intake of Manganese
  • 11 Grams of Fiber
  • 9 grams of fat 

They’re also loaded with B vitamins, zinc, potassium, and antioxidants; they’re great for increasing muscle gain.

Mixing them with your protein powder will help your muscle growth, speeding up muscle tissue recovery.

2 Turmeric for your Protein Shake.


It’s loaded with curcumin, the primary active agent in Turmeric.

This root is helpful against inflammation of the muscles and joints and is full of antioxidants.

Adding turmeric powder to your protein powder will make for a combination that’ll help you build muscle faster and speed up muscle repair.

Adding turmeric to your protein intake is a great idea to avoid muscle loss.

Post workout shake, pineapple, bananas, turmeric powder and milk



3 Pomegranate for Protein Shake.


4  Benefits of Pomegranate, The Last One is Unbelievable 

One cup of pomegranate seeds has

  • 7 grams of fiber
  • 3 grams of protein
  • 30% of the daily reference intake of Vitamin C
  • 36% of the daily reference intake of Vitamin K
  • 16% of the daily reference intake of folic acid
  • 12% of the daily reference intake of potassium

This fruit has many antioxidants, which are great for muscle recovery and performance.

Mixing almond milk, a frozen banana, pea protein powder, and pomegranate will help your muscle mass grow after a tough workout.

Pomegranate milkshake post work out shake 1


4 Wheat Bran


add wheat bran to your post work out shake


Wheat bran is the outer layer of the wheat kernel, it’s full of nutrients and fiber, and while some people like to add it to baked goods, I like to add it to my protein shakes.

This cereal’s nutritional profile is insane; you need to start adding it to your Protein Shake ASAP.

Half a cup of wheat bran contains

  • 63 calories
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Dietary fiber
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein

Hiking Elephant Mountain in Taipei


Wheat bran’s highest component is dietary fiber, which is excellent for digestive health and fat loss.


Wheat bran is like Chia seeds, easy to add to any pre-workout protein shake, yogurt, or cereal bowl.

I mix almond milk, bananas, strawberries, wheat bran, plant-based protein, and ice cubes, for a smooth post-workout protein shake.

5 Oatmeal Protein Shakes


add oatmeal to your post work out shake


I think all of us have had oatmeal at least once, right?

A leisurely breakfast that tastes great, but some people might not realize how crazy good oatmeal is for building muscle; it’s a good protein source if you exercise regularly and make it part of your diet.

One special benefit of oats is that they are very filling, and perfect for weight loss; they will keep you from feeling hungry and snacking on junk food.

Half a cup of dry oatmeal contains

  • 41% of the daily reference intake of Phosphorus
  • 20% of the daily reference intake of Zinc
  • 24% of the reference daily intake of  Copper
  • 20% of the daily reference intake of Iron
  • 11% of the daily reference intake of folate
  • 34% of the daily reference intake of magnesium
  • Vitamin B1 and B5

And it’s loaded with Manganese, which is suitable for having strong, healthy bones. If you want to read more about it, click here

An easy combination I like to make is almond milk, bananas, vanilla, protein powder, oatmeal, and a bit of honey. This is a great post-workout protein shake.

6 Protein Powder


This is a classic in healthy post work out ingredients.

You must do high protein diets together with resistance training to lose weight and build muscles.


Whey protein contains essential amino acids, these are muscle-building blocks, and the body quickly absorbs them.

Get some whey protein, add two servings to a glass of milk, and then mix it in the blender. This will give you the protein intake you need after a workout.

You can add bananas, oatmeal, chia seeds, or wheat bran for a great weight-gain protein shake.

Post work out drink, chocolate protein powder and milk and oatmeal


7 Peanut Butter or nut butter

Don’t get Skippy; get real peanut butter, the one where the ingredients are just peanuts.


Even though peanut butter is high in calories, you’ll get a good amount of nutrients and energy; peanut butter contains protein, fiber, and B3, B5, E, and Folate.


Throw 1 or 2 tablespoons and a banana in milk after your next strength training. for a protein shake high in healthy fats.


Post work out smoothie, peanut butter, banana, honey,  oatmeal , milk


8 Berries


One of my favorite things to add to protein shakes.


  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Cranberries
  • Raspberries


Mixed berries milkshake , strwberries, blueberries, raspberries, milk, banana


One thing they all have in common is that they’re packed with antioxidants and amino acids, and they’re high in fiber and low in carbs.

Strawberries are also a convenient way to get vitamin C in your protein shakes.

They’re also good for snacking. Actually, sometimes, when I buy berries to add to my post work out shake, most of the time, I end up eating them as snacks; they’re so good.

Having healthy snacks within your anabolic window after a workout it’s an excellent way to get the essential nutrients you need when you don’t have time for post work out shakes.

9 Papaya


This fruit originated in Central America and the south of Mexico; one small papaya contains 

  • only 60 calories
  • 15 grams of carbohydrates
  • 157% of the daily reference intake of Vitamin C, forget about oranges
  • 11% of the daily reference intake of Potassium 

This fruit is also full of antioxidants.

But unlike the antioxidants in other fruits and vegetables, research suggests the body absorbs these faster.

You can read the details here

Papaya milkshake, protein powder, banana


Peeling papaya might take some time, so it is better to get a box of already peeled and chopped papaya.

That way, you can easily throw them in the blender after a workout, add some milk, protein powders, and banana and drink enough protein to complete your muscle gain diet.

10 Almond Butter

You should get the one whose ingredients are just ALMONDS.

I’m not a big fan of its taste, peanut butter tastes better, but almond butter is full of manganese, copper, protein, B2, and riboflavin; they are all great foods for energy production.

How much protein?

100 grams contain 21g

2 tablespoons are the recommended daily allowance.

Also, Almond butter has a bit more protein and fiber than peanut butter and a little bit less natural sugar than peanut butter, but just by a bit.

Some health experts say almond butter is healthier than peanut butter, so why not try it?


Almond butter, bananas, oatmeal and milk post work out shake


11 Greek Yogurt


This is another of my favorite additions to post-workout shakes to get a nice consistency and a perfect set of nutrients.


Add greek yogurt to your post work out shake is full of protein, calcium, iodine, porassium



And in case you didn’t know, Greek yogurt has more protein than milk which is highly important to build a strong body.

How’s that for a healthy and smooth post-workout ingredient?

So next time you’re doing a banana, papaya, berries, or any other post-exercise drink, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt.

Many vegetarians and vegans eat Greek Yogurt to make up for the protein they don’t get from meat.

If you’re looking for a healthy post-exercise snack, you can have some Greek yogurt, add chia seeds and some berries and enjoy a snack full of protein, potassium, and antioxidants.

12 Ginger


Ginger is precisely what we need after a good workout session; why? Because studies have proven Ginger to be good in reducing muscle pain and soreness created by the stress our muscles go through when we workout.

This is possible thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties Ginger has.


Shake with milk, papaya and Ginger



13 Cherries


One cup of cherries only contains 90 calories and is full of vitamin A, protein, fiber, and vitamin C; similar to berries, this tiny red fruit is also loaded with antioxidants superpowers.


According to, cherries are also suitable for relieving the soreness of our muscles due to the previous workout; it helps accelerate the muscle recovery process, improving our exercise performance.


Cherrie milk shake


14 High-Quality Cocoa/Cacao Powder


Cocoa is obtained from cacao seeds, which were first cultivated by the Mayan empire in the territory that now belongs to Mexico and some Central American countries.

This wonder of mother nature is full of Polyphenols.

These natural antioxidants improve our blood flow, reduce inflammation and control our blood sugar levels.

 Blend whey protein, milk cocoa, or chocolate powder; this is an easy way to consume protein for better body composition results after all those hours after hitting the gym.


Avocado, cacao powder, milk and banana milkshake

15 Bananas


This is another classic drink in the Healthy post-workout ingredients lists

According to workout experts, bananas are one of the best foods you can eat after hitting the gym.

A study published in plos one discovered that bananas are just as good as sports drinks for post-workout recovery.

And hear this, they are suitable for preventing muscle inflammation after working out.

Banana, oatmeal and honey milkshake


16 Dragon Fruit

There are three variations of Dragon fruits, pink peel with purple flesh, pink peel with white flesh, and yellow peel with white meat.

They are 90% water, which means they are deficient in calories and contain many vitamins such as A, C, and E.

Calcium, phosphorus, and iron are also contained within Dragon fruit; these are vital to support our immune system.

This fruit also has a high content of antioxidants thanks to its phytoalbumin content.

Blend this fruit in water for a simple and nutritious post-workout drink after hitting the gym or doing a run.


Post Workout protein shake Conclusions


Whether focused on increasing or decreasing body weight, it’s always a good idea to consult a registered dietitian to ensure you get the nutrients your body needs.

Posted on

(Video)4 Benefits of Pomegranate-The Last One is Unbelievable

Pomegranate health benefits and recipes

Introduction to Pomegranate

Before we talk about Health Benefits of Pomegranate and recipes let’s talk about Pomegranate.

Isn’t red your favorite color? I know mine is.

If your favorite color is blue -according to a study that’s the most popular color–  then you might change your mind after reading this post.

Look at that beautiful red fruit in the picture, its name is Pomegranate, full of health benefits and easy to include in your diet.

I’ll share with you 4 health benefits and 4 easy to make recipes with Pomegranate.


Inside Pomegranate health benefits and recipes

And I say easy to make recipes because, Pomegranate, you can use it in baking, juice blends, cooking, meals, smoothies, garnishes and even cocktails, the latter is my favorite.

First, let me give you some information about this fruit.


  • Its origin, the fruit originated in the territory that now is Iran and also on the territory of what now is Northern India.
  • It’s been cultivated for centuries throughout the Mediterranean region and brought to the American continent by Spaniards during the colonization.
  • Nowadays is widely cultivated in the Middle East, South East Asia, North and Tropical Africa, and in the Mediterranean shores.
  • The name Pomegranate derives from old Latin and it means seeded apple.

Let’s jump right into the topic


Health Benefits of Pomegranate and Recipes


1 It Improves Muscle Performance

When we’re working out our body is put under a lot of pressure, which varies depending on the intensity of the exercises we’re doing.

As a result of this we experience oxidative stress.

Normal oxidative stress outcomes, caused by exercising, are muscle soreness-which might last for days-, exhaustion, inflammation of the joints and increased lactic and acid levels.

Anyone who works out knows, how annoying it is when you get up one morning with all the desire in the world to work out.

But unfortunately, your calves or thighs or any other muscle of your body are just too sored from a previous day of working out.


inflammation, turmeric helps get rid of inflammation

Now, if this happens to you, the smart thing to do is to rest to give that muscle time to heal.

But wouldn’t it be great if you could speed up that process a little bit? and by doing so, be able to work out more and reach your ideal body shape faster.

That’s where pomegranate helps.

This fruit is full of Quercetin , which is great for reducing inflammation and decreasing cellular damage in the body.

This pretty much means that Pomegranate helps speed up the muscle recovery process after a good work out.


1st Recipe, Pomegranate Juice


This doesn’t take many ingredients, just


  • Pomegranate of course
  • Some citrus fruits
  • Some ginger
  • And a bit of Salt



  • 1 Cut the crown of the pomegranate
  • 2 Slice it into 4 pieces (You’ll see the red seeds inside, that’s the good stuff)
  • 3 Place the pieces in a bowl and use your hands to separate the seeds from the peel
  • 4 In a blender, add the seeds, and squeeze the juice out of your lemons or oranges and pour it into the blender
  • 5 Add the ginger and the salt
  • 6 Blend it altogether
  • 7 Pass the juice through a strainer and into a bowl (use a plastic paddle to push the pulp against the strainer and squeeze out all the juice)
  • 8 Serve it in a glass or pour it into a bottle and put in the fridge in case you wanna drink it later.

It’s a good idea to drink Pomegranate juice after working out.


How to Cut a Pomegranate


2 Good for Digestion

Pomegranate is loaded with B complex vitamins, how is this helpful for digestion? Well

B vitamins are water soluble, this means that you can not store them in your fat cells, and as they move in your body they’ll help you turn all of those carbohydrates, proteins, and fat you had in your last meal into energy.


  • Thiamine or B1, helps turn carbohydrates into energy and regulates appetite.
  • Niacin or B3, is vital to break down fats and alcohol
  • Biotin, this vitamin helps your digestive system process fatty acids

Also, one whole pomegranate provides 11 grams of fiber, which is way more than the fiber you’ll find in a bowl of cereal.

Both vitamin B and fiber help us avoid conditions related to digestive problems like abdominal pain and bloating.

Both are very uncomfortable situations right?


2nd Recipe, Pomegranate Parfait


Pomegranate Parfait simple and easy recipe, health benefits of pomegranate and recipes

For this recipe, I don’t put too much importance on measuring each ingredient.

A parfait should be the easiest thing to make.


Easy Avocado Recipes

I always keep Yogurt, crumbled granola and honey in my kitchen

So whenever I want to make parfait I just go to the supermarket and get


  • 1 Pomegranate
  • A box of chopped pineaples
  • 1 box of ground cherries


Super easy, get the seeds of the pomegranate out, cut the pineapple pieces into smaller pieces and smash them a bit, wash the cherries.

Grab a medium size cup, put some granola, then add yogurt and a bit of honey.

Then add pomegranate seeds and pineapple, add another layer of yogurt, pineapple and pomegranate seeds and some more honey.

Top it with the ground cherries.

Note: Removes the leaves on the ground cherries, they only serve a decorative purpose.


3 Improves Fertility on Men and Women

That’s right, this beautiful red fruit will increase your chances of conceiving a beautiful baby.

Pomegranate is high in antioxidants, which makes it the perfect fruit to battle oxidative stress, which is highly related to fertility issues both in men and women.

A state of Oxidative stress can lead to different reproductive diseases such as:


  • Endometriosis, a disorder of the female reproductive system, it occurs when endometrial tissues do not exit the body during menstruation, instead, they become attached to organs around the uterus, causing symptoms like abdominal cramps, painful sex, and even infertility.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a disorder characterized by higher-than-normal male hormones in women, symptoms include, irregular or no menstrual period, pelvic pain, excess of facial hair and difficulty for getting pregnant.
  •  Sperm dysfunction, this is the most common cause of men infertility


3rd  Recipe, Pomegranate Jam


How to make Pomegranate Jam Recipe, Health Benefits of Pomegranate and recipes

For this recipe you’ll need


  • 4 cups of Pomegranate Juice
  • 1/4 lemon Juice
  • 5 cups of white cane sugar
  • 1 package of sure jell powder pectin
  • 6 eight ounce canning jars

To get 4 cups of pomegranate juice you’ll need around 8 pomegranates. An easy way to get the juice out is by putting the pomegranate seeds in a blender and blend them for around 30 seconds.

Pour the juice into a fine mesh strainer and into a bowl, use a spatula to push the pulp against the strainer and extract all the juice.


Making jam is easier than you think, and believe me, nothing beats the taste of freshly home-made jam, taking the time to do it is totally worth it.


  • 1 Make sure the canning jars are very clean, it is recommendable to pour hot water in them and on the lids to sterilize them.
  • 2 In a 6 quart pan, pour the pomegranate juice, lemon juice and the package of sure jell powder
  • 3 Bring the mix to a boil, stir constantly.
  • 4 When the mix is boiling and it can no longer be boiled down by stirring, then add the sugar, mix it, and let it boil for another 2 minutes.
  • 5 Remove from the fire and let it sit for around 1 minute, remove the foam on top.
  • 6 Fill jars, wipe the rims and seal tight

If you’re like me and need more of a visual help to get things done then take a look at the video below.

She is not making Pomegranate Jam, but the process is pretty much the same for any kind of fruit jam you wanna make.

The video belongs to The Chopping Block

Alright, now onto the last benefit I’ll mention on this list and one final fun recipe.

The last of the health benefits of pomegranate and recipes I’ll mention in this post


4 Good against Heart Diseases

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

About 610,000 people die of heart disease in the USA alone every year, that is 1 in every 4 deaths.

Their stats also show that heart diseases are the leading cause of death among both men and women.

So how does pomegranate help battle heart diseases?

Well, this red fruit offers many benefits for the cardiovascular system


  • Prevents damage of arterial walls
  • Improves blood flow to the heart
  • It helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure level
  • It keeps plaque from building inside the arteries

It’s been proven that Pomegranate can accomplish all of the above, by decreasing the level of oxidative stress in the body.

It supports the synthesis and activity of nitric oxide, and by inhibiting the oxidation of potentially harmful low-density lipoprotein.


4th Recipe, Pomegranate Gin Tonic


How to make Pomegranate Gin Tonic Recipe, Health Benefits of Pomegranate and recipes



  • 2 tots of gin
  • 250 ml of Ice Cubes or Crushed Ice
  • 50 ml of Pomegranate Juice
  • 500 ml of Soda Water
  • 2 Springs of Rosemary for Decoration (Optional)



  • Measure your Gin and pour it into a cocktail shaker
  • Add the ice and the Pomegranate Juice
  • Shake, Shake, Shake
  • Pour the mix into a glass and top it with the Soda water.
  • Decorate it with Rosemary and some Pomegranate seeds if you have any.

So there you have it, 4 benefits of adding Pomegranate to your diet and 4 easy to make recipes so you can start adding it to your life ASAP, so go to your nearest supermarket and get some of those red fruits.


The Benefits of Cardio and How to Stay Motivated?

I’m so lucky the supermarket near my home sells Pomegranate.


Buying Pomegranate in Taipei Jason's super market
Pomegranate basket in Supermarket of Taipei

And if you are really way too busy to go and buy fresh Pomegranate and make your own juice, then I would suggest you to get bottled Pomegranate juice.


Buy Pomegranate Juice already made Eulises Quintero

Even though POM claims their juice is 100% natural and has the same properties as freshly made Pomegranate juice, there are many other people out there claiming it’s not true, you can read more about it online.

I do believe that drinking bottled Pomegranate juice, at least, will help you get acquainted with the taste of Pomegranate (that’s how I started), and once you realize how nice it is you can go and get real fruits and make your own.

Making your own juice will always be better than any bottled or canned juice.

Hope you enjoyed this post, for another post on an amazing root with many health properties please click here


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Turmeric, a South East Asian Miracle

Turmeric benefits and recipes

Introduction to Turmeric

Before I tell you about the 4 medical benefits and 4 recipes using turmeric let’s first learn a bit about Turmeric.

If you’re like me and you’re always looking for new healthy options out there to include in your diet then you might wanna take a look at this wonderful secret from South East Asia.

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In this article, I’ll tell you about 4 benefits of Turmeric and 4 simple recipes to start adding it to your diet.

Turmeric is a bright yellow/orange powder that you obtain from a plant called by the same name.

Turmeric powder
Turmeric Powder

If you do a little bit of research you’ll realize that the general agreement is that no one really knows exactly where the plant originated from, but it appears to have originated in South East Asia, somewhere in Vietnam, China or Western India.

Turmeric Plant
Turmeric Plant

The turmeric powder is obtained from the roots of the plant above. The plant is from the same family as ginger, so both roots are very similar, but you can easily tell them apart because of their color.

Differences between Turmeric and Ginger
Ginger and Turmeric

In ancient times Turmeric was used for two major purposes, dyeing clothes and as part of local medicine, the latter now backed by science 

Benefits and Recipes Using Turmeric

Okay, let’s begin with the medical benefits and recipes using turmeric.

Turmeric is full of curcumin, a bright yellow chemical that contains some amazing medical properties.

1– Curcumin functions as an anti-inflammatory agent

First of all, let’s find out why inflammation happens.

Inflammation is a response of our body’s immune system, it is triggered when our body detects an area that has been injured or infected and needs to be healed and protected from outside agents like bacteria or viruses, in this scenario inflammation is actually good.

But, when inflammation becomes chronic, then it becomes a serious problem. In chronic diseases like arthritis, the body’s immune system triggers an alert to nonexistent threats in our body, which results in pain created by inflammation of tissues or joints.

inflammation, turmeric helps get rid of inflammation

In this last scenario, the body is just hurting itself, this is where turmeric comes and help.

Turmeric which is high in curcumin has been proven to be so powerfully anti-inflammatory that it matches the effectiveness of some other anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen Sodium and Diclofenac

In a study made with 45 patients suffering from arthritis, a daily dose of 500 mg of curcumin proved to be more efficient than diclofenac.

So if you suffer from the following diseases, or want to prevent them, you might consider adding turmeric to your diet

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Periodontitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Chrom’s disease

First Recipe, Turmeric Dressing

Turmeric dressing, 4 medical benefits and 4 recipes using turmeric


  • 4 Tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 Teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • 2 Tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1/4 Tahini
  • 1/4 Teaspoon of cayenne powder
  • Salt and pepper


It’s very simple, mix all of the ingredients in 1/4 cup of water, stir it as fast as you can until you get a smooth consistency. You can put it on salads or meat.

2 Turmeric Increases the Antioxidant Capacity of the Body.

Body damage by oxidation is related to aging and other diseases. What is oxidation exactly and why do we need antioxidants?

Aging, Turmeric helps against aging

Oxidation is a chemical process in which our body’s electrons are moved from one molecule to another one, and in the process, some bonds can be broken, which leads to the malfunction or death of cells that need molecules to survive.

Oxidation can damage vital molecules of our cells, like proteins and DNA which are in charge of many body processes.

Oxidative stress on the body might lead to many diseases such as

  • Hardening of blood vessels known as atherosclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • Inflammatory chronic diseases
  • Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure
  • Neurodegenerative diseases as Parkinson and Alzheimer
  • Heart diseases 
  • Cancer

Turmeric can help us prevent all of the above because curcumin’s chemical structure can neutralize free radicals -causes of the problem- and prevent them from starting a chain reaction where molecules start stealing electrons from each other and cause major and irreversible damage to their own structure.

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Second recipe, Turmeric Hot Latte

Turmeric Hot Latte, recipe and benefits, 4 medical benefits and 4 recipes using turmeric


  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ⅛ of ground nutmeg
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • Pinch of salt


In a saucepan put 3/4 of water, mix all of the ingredients and stir the mix quickly, bring it to a boil and then remove it from the heat and let it sit for 4 minutes, then take a fine mesh strainer and pour the mix through it and into a cup.

3- Turmeric Decreases the Risk of Brain Diseases.

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a growth hormone that functions in our brain, it helps to the survival of existing neurons and boosts the growth of new ones.

BDNF is vital for long-term memory and it plays a fundamental role in normal neural development 

Many brain diseases have been linked to a low level of BDNF 

  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression
  • Alzheimer’s  disease 
  • Epilepsy

Amazingly, curcumin, which is contained in Turmeric, increases the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which helps to prevent or even reverse the diseases mentioned above.

Third recipe, Carrot, Turmeric and Ginger Smoothie

Turmeric smoothie with Carrot and Ginger, 4 medical benefits and 4 recipes using turmeric
Photo from


  • ¾ teaspoon of grated ginger
  • 1½ teaspoons of ground turmeric
  • 1 orange, peeled and white piths removed
  • 1 large carrot, chop it into small pieces 
  • ½ cup frozen mango chunks
  • ⅔ cup coconut water
  • Salt and pepper, just a tiny bit.


In a blender, use the smoothie or ice crush setting, add all of the ingredients, add 1/2 cup of ice until you get a smoothie consistency.

Okay, now for the last of the 4 medical benefits and recipes using turmeric on this post.

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4-  Turmeric Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease

Endothelial dysfunction is the major driver of heart diseases, which are the number 1 cause of death in the world. When this dysfunction takes place in our bodies, risks of high blood pressure and blood clotting increase.

Healthy Heart and Lungs

Several studies have shown that the curcumin in turmeric leads to an improvement of the endothelial function, ingesting turmeric is almost as effective as working out and some traditional drugs like Atorvastatin.

As we mentioned above, curcumin is a good way to tackle oxidation and inflammation, both play a negative role in heart diseases.

Some of the most common heart diseases are

  • Hypertension
  • Heart arrhythmia 
  • Heart failure
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cardiac arrest

So, let’s add some more turmeric to our diet.

Fourth recipe, Turmeric and Chia Gin Tonic

Turmeric and Chia Gin Tonic, benefits and recipes of Turmeric, 4 medical benefits and recipes using turmeric


  • 2 teaspoons black peppercorns
  • 1 peeled ginger, chopped into small pieces
  • ½ teaspoon of dried turmeric
  • ⅓ cup of honey
  • ¼ cup fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • Club soda (for serving)
  • Thyme sprigs and dried lemons (for serving; optional)


In a blender, put the ginger, honey, turmeric, black peppercorns, honey, and add 3 cups water, blend it until smooth.

Use a fine mesh sieve to strain and into a large bowl. Once in the bowl add the chia seeds and let it sit for about 5 minutes, chia seeds should start swelling a little bit.

Divide the mix into different ice-filled glasses and top it with the club soda, now you can use the thyme and dried lemon for decoration.

Note: You can add some Gin and relax

So there you have it, Turmeric definitely contains medical properties which help us stay healthy and prevent some really terrible diseases, and there are many recipes out there you can use to start adding turmeric to your life.

I already bought mine and regularly make tea with it.

Hope you enjoyed this post!!!

Have you read about the health benefits of Pomegranate?