CELSIUS Sparkling Orange Drink, Zero Sugar 12 Pack Keto friendly energy drinks

$23.33 Tax Included



Introducing Celsius Sparkling Orange, the perfect energy drink for anyone following a ketogenic diet and looking to lose weight! Celsius is keto-approved, and with its sugar-free, keto-friendly formula, you can enjoy the refreshing taste of oranges without the added calories or carbs.

Celsius energy drink contains essential vitamins and is designed to help you power through your day with its unique blend of caffeine and other ingredients that work together to boost your energy levels and improve your focus. With zero calories per can, this drink is an excellent choice for those looking for a low-calorie option.

One of the most common questions is, “Is Celsius keto-friendly?” So, to answer that question, yes, Celsius is keto-friendly! Celsius Sparkling Orange is the ideal drink for those on a ketogenic diet, and it can help you stay on track without ruining your diet.

Each can of Celsius energy drink contains just the right amount of caffeine to give you a natural and sustained energy boost without jitters or crashes. With its refreshing orange flavor, it’s the perfect drink before a workout or when you need a quick pick-me-up.

So, if you’re looking for a keto-approved, zero-calorie drink that can help you lose weight and provide a natural energy boost, look no further than Celsius Sparkling Orange. Try it today and experience the difference for yourself!


  • Healthy Energy drink, 200 mg Caffeine
  • Energy to Live Fit
  • Zero Sugars, Zero Preservatives
  • No Artificial Flavors or Colors
  • Sparkling Orange, 12 oz. Slim Can
  • Celsius energy drinks are keto-friendly


Are you following a ketogenic diet and wondering if Celsius is a good energy drink option?

The good news is that Celsius is a keto-friendly energy drink that can help you stay energized while staying within your macros.

Celsius is marketed explicitly towards those following a low-carb or keto diet. Unlike some energy drinks loaded with sugar and carbs, Celsius contains zero sugar and only 2 grams of carbs per serving. Additionally, Celsius includes 200mg of caffeine per serving, about the same amount as a typical cup of coffee. But Celsius doesn’t rely on caffeine for its energy-boosting effects; it also contains a blend of ingredients, such as green tea extract, known to support energy and metabolism. So, Celsius is worth considering if you’re looking for a keto-friendly energy drink with moderate caffeine content and added benefits from green tea.


Is Celsius drink keto-friendly?

Celsius drink is keto-friendly because it’s low in carbohydrates.

Whenever someone asks if Celsius keto? We always reply, yes, it is, but please note it is not the most nutritious of energy drinks.

Remember that when you’re on a Keto diet, you must decrease your net carbs but also worry about eating and drinking nutritious food.


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