How to Improve Your Quality of Life in 7 Steps

1- Exercise more often


To see significant improvements in your quality of life, you have to work out.


Exercise improves your life by 

  • Boosting your immune system
  • Releasing stress
  • Helping you sleep better


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You don’t have to become an athlete overnight; I know that countless people on Instagram with perfect bodies might make you feel insecure, but don’t mind them.


A simple 15-minute walk is a good start.

2- Eat Healthy Regularly 


It’s all about balance; there’s nothing wrong with eating a muffin or having a pepperoni pizza from time to time, but don’t do it every day at every meal.


Please make sure you eat healthy at least four times a week; I mean food that is not highly processed; stay away from high carb sources such as bread and pasta.


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Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables plus a source of protein such as chicken breast or tofu.


Please stay away from carbonated drinks, stick to water or make your juice; you know what’s super easy and tasty, passion fruit and water, cut a passion fruit open and mix it with water, as easy as that.

3 – Limit Social Media


Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, and other platforms are full of people pretending to live a perfect life, and it’s easy to quickly fall into a state of anxiety and depression by believing that lie.


You might quickly feel as if you’re the only one who’s not living a great life.


Remember that many people on social media are simply faking it; limit social media so it doesn’t clutter your mind with negative thoughts.

4- Practice gratitude through meditation


Life is better and fuller when we practice gratitude daily when we see the glass half full instead of half empty.


It’s easier said than done, I know that, but by meditating regularly, just 10 minutes each day, we’ll learn to see the good in our lives and be happy with what we have.

how to improve your quality of life


Remember that happiness is not something you will find in more money, a better house, a better partner; true happiness comes from within.

5- Sleep at least 8 hours a day


We’ve all been there, we’re tired all day long, and then when it’s finally time to sleep, we’re wide awake.


Hours go by, and we’re unable to sleep, checking our social media until 3 am when we finally fall asleep just to hear the alarm ring 3 or 4 hours later.


This pattern affects our well-being; we need sleep to heal our body and boost our defenses; sleeping is super important.


If you have trouble sleeping, I recommend you create a routine that indicates your body you’re going to sleep.


Take a bath, moisturize, drink tea, read, meditate, turn off your phone, use aromatherapy or listen to relaxing music; find what works for you so you can have a better night’s sleep.

6- Read more often


Reading is essential; it helps you become a better speaker, writer, and listener.


There are countless genres, from politics to science fiction; it doesn’t matter, pick up a book or a kindle and start reading.


I’ve learned more by reading a couple of books than I have in 5 years of college and two years of graduate school.


7- Allow Yourself Time to Play 


We live in a fast-paced world that tells us that we have to get ahead, learn and improve constantly, and not waste time.


improve your quality of life have time to play


We need to wake up at 5 am, get on the treadmill while listening to a podcast on how to be wealthy and successful, and drink our nutrient-packed smoothie, so we don’t waste time sitting down eating breakfast.


That’s not what life is about.

Yes, go after your goals

Yes, work hard

Yes, improve yourself



Breathe!!! Take some time to enjoy your life because the only thing we have is the present, the future is not here, and the past is gone.


Every day take at least 30 minutes to do something fun, not something to learn something new or get ahead, just something fun, take selfies, color a book, dance, watch 30 minutes of Netflix, enjoy life.