How to turn your life around at 30 in 8 Smart Steps

1- Learn a High Paying Skill


This is the most important thing; you need to invest time and a little money into learning a new skill that will allow you to turn your life around at 30.


  • Coding
  • Copywriting
  • Content Marketing 
  • SEO
  • Web development
  • Google and Facebook Ads management


work from home jobs, how to do it



To turn your life around, you need to learn an in-demand skill that will give you the means to take control of your life.


And guess what, all of the skills I mentioned above will allow you to work remotely, and you can learn them online; there’s no need for expensive degrees.


Use websites like Udemy and Coursera, plus all the free videos on YouTube.


Learning these skills will also allow you to work as a freelancer.


Remember, the first thing to turn your life around is to ensure you have an in-demand skill.


What if you already do and still feel stuck? Well, continue reading, please.

2- Meditate  


You might be thinking, I don’t have time for that.


I understand; I used to think the same; who has time to sit down for hours doing nothing? There are more important and exciting things to do.




First of all, all you need is 10 minutes; that’s it, 10 minutes a day of meditation.


How to turn your life around at 30 with meditation

How will this turn your life around at 30?


Through meditation, you’ll learn to find peace and obtain health of mind; you’ll learn to give your mind a break and get rid of negative thoughts.


You’ll learn to be grateful for what you have, realize that happiness is not something you’ll find in the future but something that comes from within and you can access right now.


If you suffer from chronic physical pain; meditation will help you deal with it; I can guarantee this is true.


How do you do start meditating? No, you don’t have to travel to southeast Asia or go to a monastery.


The convenient and practical solution that makes sense is downloading and paying for a meditation app; the best are calm and headspace; I use calm.

3- Work Out


You don’t have to become an athlete; you don’t have to go into a rigorous training plan of 5 days a week, waking up at 5 am.


It’s all about giving your body some decent physical activity. Forty-five minutes a day, 3 to 4 times a week, is more than enough.


You can join the gym, get a treadmill or stationary bike, try full-body workouts outs with just two dumbbells at home, ride a bicycle or run outdoor.


benefits of losing weight and how to do it


Good Eating Habits and Work Outs


There are so many options.


I’m pretty sure you know about all the health benefits of working out; if you don’t, type in Google benefits of working out, and you’ll see it’s something you have to do to turn your life around.

4- Eat a Balanced Diet 


Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. It’s okay to have a slice of pizza and a muffin from time to time; don’t do it every day.


Look for vitamins and supplements, too; our bodies are aging, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but we need to start taking care of them as early as possible, and 30 is the right age.


Ask anyone 50 and above; they’ll tell you that taking care of your body is the best investment you can make.


Turning around your life at 30 includes moving towards healthy living habits, including healthy eating and exercise.

5- Connect with Your Relatives


Your siblings; your parents, unless they’re really toxic, attempt to spend as much time as possible with them.


how to turn your life around at 30 connect with relatives


The covid 19 pandemic has shown us all how fragile life is; have dinner with them, call them, ask them what’s going on; it’ll give you peace of mind knowing you spend time with the people that love you.


A mind at peace will allow you to focus on turning your life around.

6- Read as Much as You Can


Read books about saving money, how to start a side hustle, and books about becoming a great copywriter and sell online.


Many books will teach you valuable lessons too.


Even if you read fiction, you’ll enjoy the benefits that come with it.


  • Reducing stress
  • Fight off depression
  • Improving sleep

7- Be true to Yourself


If you’ve been pretending to like a certain kind of music, dress in a particular way, partying and drinking every weekend just to fit in a group, well, it’s time to stop.


Life is too short; do what you love, be who you truly are, and love whoever you want to love.

8- Change the Focus of Your Social Media


Social media mostly distracts you from your goals; the constant scrolling looking for immediate satisfaction, keeps you from taking action on your life and turn it around.


However, if you follow the correct accounts, you can turn your social media into a source of inspiration.


Follow accounts that post about making money, investing, fitness, meditation, and overall, building life-changing habits.


how to turn my life around at 30 change your social media



This will ensure that if the first thing you do in the morning is wake up and open Instagram, the first thing you see will inspire you to go after your goal of turning your life around.

Go After Your Dreams.


Are you rolling your eyes? I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s never too late; being 30 is not old; you can still turn your life around.


Do be realistic; now that you’re mature, identify your strengths and weaknesses and go after something that makes you happy and that is attainable.


These are all moves that will help you change your life around.


The most important one is number 1, learn a high-paying skill.