Finding Success in Life With 5 Actionable Tips

We live in a digital world where everyone is flaunting how successful they are.


Everyone seems to be having the time of their lives, getting married, buying a house, traveling the world, achieving perfect-looking bodies, buying the latest tech and fashion.


It’s as if everyone but us is enjoying life. 


We can’t help but feel disappointed with ourselves and feel as if we’ve failed at finding success.


Let me tell you that it is never too late to start working on yourself and find your version of success; remember that you and only you can define what success means to you.


finding success in life in 5 steps

These five actionable tips will help you get in the right direction towards finding your unique version of success.

1- Reduce Your Circle of Friends


Cutting people out of your life will not magically help you find success in life, but it’ll give you time to focus on the things that matter.


Do you have 3 – 4 friends who always think about partying and drinking and invite you to do so every weekend? I’m sorry to say that those are the friends from which you need to stay away.


We all have the same 24 hours in a day; we need to focus on the things that matter; we need to hang out with people that like us, are looking to find success in their lives.

2- Learn an in-demand Skill


Now that you have more time to focus on the things that matter, start doing so.


Focus on learning an in-demand skill, something that makes money. 


If you want to find success in your life, whether traveling the world, buying a house, or living on a farm with ten dogs, it will most likely require some money.


Nothing is free.


The best thing you can do is learn a skill you can use to freelance, think coding, graphic and video design, copywriting, SEO, etc.


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I recommend you to visit freelance sites like Upwork and check how much money some people make; that will give you an idea of what skills you want to focus on learning.


Then head to websites like Udemy or Coursera and start learning.

3- Exercise as Much as You Can


Only when you’re sick that you realize how precious health is; you can’t put a price on it.


You don’t have to become an athlete; you don’t have to go to the gym five times a week, but please include physical activities in your daily life as much as possible.


Walk 20 minutes every day.


Go for a hike on the weekend or ride a bicycle.


Exercising will keep you healthy and full of energy to go after your goals; for many, having an active lifestyle is already a way of finding success.

4- Eat a Healthy Diet


It goes hand in hand with the previous tip to find success; if you take care of yourself, you’ll have more time to focus on achieving your success goals.


It’s okay to have a muffin and a slice of pizza for lunch, but don’t do it every day.


Try to get more fruits and vegetables in your meals, eat healthy carbs like brown rice and potatoes.


With both exercise and healthy eating, you’ll have a healthy, energized body ready to find success.

5- Find Time to Meditate


Our mental health is at risk more than ever before, every day, social media bombards us with all sorts of messages, and the covid 19 pandemic has taken a toll on all of us.


We need to find a moment, every day, to stop and breathe, to stop and be grateful for what we have, to stop and behold the beauty of life, but more importantly, to stop and give our minds much-needed rest.


Meditation helps us stay on track with our success goals; now, with apps like headspace or calm, it is easier than ever to tap on the benefits of meditation.




If you’re able to remove as many distractions as possible from your life and you work on yourself by 



You will find the success you’re after.