8 Quick Confidence Hacks You Wish You’d Knew Sooner

1- We’re all equals – No one is better than you


We live in a world where people like to show off, and social media helps them go viral.


On Instagram, you’ll find people living luxurious lives traveling around the world. Some will claim they do it thanks to their business success.

confidence hacks we're all equals

On LinkedIn, you’ll find many entrepreneurs who are grinding 24/7 and are thriving.


Since we spend so much time on social media is easy to feel like we suck, we don’t have what it takes; they’re better than us.


The truth is many on social media lie; don’t believe everything you see.


Remember two things


  • We’re all in this world struggling to find what makes us happy
  • We all have the same 24 hours a day


What you do in those 24 hours makes a big difference, though.


Remember that, and your confidence will instantly increase.

2- Keep track of your achievements 


It’s always easy to focus on one bad thing and overlook all the good stuff.


Let’s say you’re in your 30s and you’re struggling to learn a new skill while you see others killing it.


It’s easy to feel down, to think that we’re not smart enough, that we’re stupid.


confidence hacks track achievements


However, that’s not the case.


Look back at everything you’ve accomplished. Maybe


  • You can speak a second language
  • You have a college degree or finished an online course 
  • You started a website
  • You made exercising a daily habit 
  • You improved your relationship with family and friends 
  • You ran a marathon
  • You made that public speech you were afraid of


One bad event doesn’t define you, remember that, and your confidence will come back to you.


Keeping a list of your most significant achievements and looking at them when you feel down is an excellent way to boost your confidence.

3- Practice as much as possible


A big part of feeling confident is knowing that you’re good at what you do; you only achieve this by practicing over and over again.


Persistence is key here.


If you want to add “copywriter” to your resume and want to feel confident when bringing it up in an interview or a networking event, you have to know you’re good at it, that means, write, write, write.


confidence hacks practice


The same applies to any skill you want to feel confident about.


Wherever it is you want to feel confident about, make it a part of your daily routine, and after one or two weeks, you’ll feel your confidence increasing.

4- Take care of your looks


No, I’m not saying that you have to go and buy expensive clothes to boost your confidence.


Nor get some beauty procedure done.


And while I know that someone’s physical appearance should, in no way, be a determinant of how much value a person has, it still matters in terms of first impressions.


First impressions matter.


confidence hacks look good


Before you step out of your place, even if you’re just going to the supermarket, take a shower, wear clean clothes, do your hair, look casual but presentable.


If you’re going for an interview, dress semiformal, it’ll show the interviewer you care.


Something as easy as taking care of your appearance will do wonders for your confidence.


If you want to take it one step further, start exercising regularly, and your confidence will grow higher.

5- Learn that nothing is a failure 


The stories we tell ourselves matter a lot.


Let’s say you decide to start a side hustle, and after one full year of hard work, the results are not satisfactory.


confidence hacks success

It’ll be so easy to think you failed that you don’t have what it takes to succeed in life.


But that’s not the case at all. For starters, you took a risk that most don’t; that’s already big.


And even though the results were not what you expected, now you have first-hand experience in what you should not do to reach a particular goal; you’re already ahead of many.


Remember that, and you’ll get a confidence boost; you did not fail. Instead, you learned by doing, the best way of learning.

6- Don’t Just Plan – Take Action


Every time we have an idea, we get a voice in our heads telling us, yes! This is great, and we start thinking and planning what we’re going to do.


Later, there’s another voice, fear!


What if this is a waste of time? What if this has been done many times before, and there’s no value you can add; what if you do it and the results are mediocre? What a waste of time!!

confidence hack take action

Fear is the killer of creativity.


Beat that fear and increase your confidence by taking action.


Let’s say you’re planning on launching a website, you already created a plan to follow, but you’re scared because it might all be a waste of time.


Do not think that.


Go ahead and pay for that hosting plan; I can guarantee you that once you make that payment, install WordPress and write your first article, your confidence will multiply like crazy.

7- Divide tasks into small achievable steps


You know what’s a giant confidence killer, trying to tackle a massive task at once.


Let’s say you want to lose 30 Kg; you go and look for fitness plans and find all of these ads of ripped people running like crazy and eating salad while they laugh ( apparently salads are hilarious)

confidence hack divide tasks

This will hit you hard in your confidence; you’ll say, there’s no way I can do that.


Instead, start by setting a simple goal, you’ll jog for 20 minutes every morning for one week; that’s it, no dieting nor weighing yourself.


Once you do that for one week, your confidence will get a considerable boost; now add another small goal, eating a salad three times a week, maybe.

8 – Read more often


Allow me to list the benefits of reading 


confidence hack read more

  • Improves brain connectivity.
  • Increases your vocabulary and comprehension.
  • Empowers you to empathize with other people.
  • Aids in sleep readiness.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Lowers blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Fights depression symptoms.
  • Prevents cognitive decline as you age


In summary, reading often will make you healthier; and health is something you can’t put a price on.


Knowing that you’re looking after your health is a big confidence boost.

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