About Me

My name is Eulises Quintero, just a regular guy from Latin America, Nicaragua specifically, who is trying to accomplish the lifestyle he wants.

Is life about getting an education, get a job , wake up early, go to the office, slave away, get home really tired, sleep and then work again?? is that all there is to life? I believe the answer is no.

Call me a silly millennial, a snowflake or naïve, but all I really desire for my life is 1- Travel as much as possible and 2- stay healthy so I can live longer and enjoy more of this world before I go, and that is exactly what this blog is about.

Travel and Health. Just to make things clear I have a full-time job, I’m not one of those people who Travel full time and make enough money blogging, I wish I knew how to accomplish that.

More about me, I have an undergraduate degree in Marketing which I got in Nicaragua, after graduation I got a job as a customer care agent and then a business developer, it was a lot of hard work and little time to enjoy,

I was able to save some money though, after 2 years of work I knew I wanted something different, I wanted to go out and see the world.


Nicaragua, catedral de Granada, Granada Cathedral Nicaragua

Even though I love my home country, Nicaragua is very small, I couldn’t just stay there forever, that’s how I decided to apply for scholarships abroad and got one to study a master’s degree in business in Taipei.

During my two years of studying to get the master’s degree, I had the chance -with the money I had saved up, part time jobs and scholarship money- to start traveling around Asia and I haven’t stopped ever since.

I’m traveling the world with a third world country passport, it is possible!!!!


After graduating I was able to get a job as a digital marketing assistant in Taipei, a job that allows me to save money and then spend it traveling.

The second aspect of my desire, as I described it above, is staying healthy. Both my parents have diabetes, I myself know that I gain weight easily and know that if I don’t take care of my body right now I’m gonna have many medical issues when I get a bit older.

That’s the reason why I always try, and I say try because I know that staying healthy is difficult, to work out 5 times a week and take care of what I eat, I put a lot of focus into eating a healthy diet.

Based on my passion for traveling and health, I decided to start this blog, a blog where I wanna share with you my travel tips and adventures and also my journey on the challenging path of keeping a healthy lifestyle.

As of 2018, I keep on living in my second home, Taipei